Now, don’t get me wrong, a weekend with my wife is a wonderful idea, it’s just tough when you’ve been itching to get into the woods for some hunting and the season is here and you’ve still seen no “opportunity” to get out there. I get to read all the other pro staffers blogs on how much fun they’re having getting out hunting the geese and ducks and the adventures in the first week of bow season…. I need my doctor to call in a prescription for hunters itch ointment. Forget the cortizone, get me some huntizone!
Well, if I couldn’t get out hunting I at least got to enjoy an absolutely excellent weekend with my wife. We headed up north for the fall colors along the west Michigan coast line. It was cold, it snowed and the wind was ferocious…basically, it was incredible. The colors are about half way out and the only downfall was that lack of full sun to enjoy them more.
We stopped just north of Frankfort at the Betsie Point Lighthouse ( ) and walked the beach a bit.
I took a few pictures.
The one I missed was of my wife bent over looking for Petoskey stones ( ) and completely missing the large wave coming in…. I didn’t know what to do, keep laughing or grab her before she did a nose dive into the lake…. In a life saving decision (mine!) I grabbed a hold of her jacket before she had to start swimming…. That would have made an excellent picture to remember! At least she had another pair of shoes in the car and the heater took care of the cold feet fairly quickly.
On the way south from the lighthouse, wouldn’t you know it, I got to see what I was missing…
My Weekend Deer.
I’m still not sure if that is just salting the wound, just punishment for my out burst from the lighthouse “incident” or a message that good things are waiting for me in the wonderful woods of Michigan.
So, whether you’re out in the woods hunting, sitting in a duck blind calling in a green or two or just enjoying the colors of Michigan’s fall, it’s all good. Get out side and live!
You know you will have many more times to go hunting. Getting away with you wife for a weekend is something you will both remember for the rest of your lives. Thanks for posting pics, it really makes me miss home. I can't wait to get back there and smoke some Michigan whitetail.
Hunting is great, but time with your wife and/or family is even greater. The best hunting is yet to come'll get out and enjoy it then and look back knowing you got to enjoy the best of everything.
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