As you’ve been seeing by visiting our website, you’ve noticed that UNJ has picked up several sponsors, several big sponsors. What does that really mean though? A lot of folks see a sponsor and just think “Money” or “Free Product”. They never think of the reasons behind the sponsorship. Up North Journal was created, and continues to be, an entertainment venue designed to educate, inform and entertain others about a heritage that sometimes gets lost in the politics. And maybe, just maybe, UNJ inspires you to get outside and enjoy that heritage for yourself, your family or your friends.
Companies provide sponsorship for a couple reasons. Either they see an opportunity for marketing or they see something they believe in and want to promote that growth. Far too many times it’s not the later that finds support. With Up North Journal, we’ve fallen into a realm between both reasons. What UNJ provides is a fresh and unique group of folks doing what they love. They’re not out to only harvest the biggest and the best. They’re not out to promote products because they’re paid to do so. They believe in what they do and in what they use.
Dead Down Wind, one of the first supporters of our show, has several products that our staff won’t be caught without. They’re a company that designs and creates they’re own product with all the research that goes into it and they stand behind it. We tried it and we believe in it. Then there’s G5. G5 was one of the first companies that jumped up and provided UNJ not only with product, but on-site support as we did our first (and then second) broadhead review. No qualms about using their equipment and staff with other companies products, just straight help, offered without strings attached. UNJ pulled no punches on the product reviews even when the G5 product was not in the #1 spot on a specific test. Even so, most of the UNJ staff was shooting G5 by hunting season. Next, you can look at a company that saw what UNJ was doing and realized that we could help bring a lot of exposure to their new product, Dragonfire Thermogrips. Once again, UNJ evaluated the product first to make sure this was something we would use and believe in. Is it ever! Adding Talk Hunting to the mix was a no brainer. The folks on TalkHunting.com follow a lot of the same philosophy we promote at UNJ, especially the family friendly environment. TH is entertaining, educational and full of support for almost everything you could possibly need. They’re like a big family, a place to tell your stories, show your pictures and sometimes a shoulder to cry on. Talk Hunting was the way UNJ was introduced to Wabash Valley Whitetails and Mikes Magic. Is it really magic? Ask anyone who’s used it and I’ll bet you get the same answer….You Bet! Americas Best Bowstrings came on board from some interaction between UNJ and their bowstrings. Again, after investigating what ABB was all about and their work ethics, UNJ felt they would be a perfect fit in our sponsor family. Quality products, super high tolerances and quality control. One of the few companies that really stand behind their product with pride, willing to back it up on paper. Leupold stepped up to the plate as a sponsor and UNJ had no questions about a company with such a long history of manufacturing top line quality optics in America. As hunters and outdoors persons know, Leupold is the leader in quality hunting and sporting optics built right here in the USA. They produce a line of TBR rangefinders that have revolutionized the archery and gun sports. Our next sponsor has already had quite a bit of involvement with UNJ as a majority of our staff members are also on their Pro Staff. Mossy Oak is one of those companies that can pick and choose who they wish to support and by picking UNJ, they’ve obviously seen a group they want to help grow. Mossy Oak really is run by a group of outdoors enthusiasts that are laid back and willing to spend more time in the woods and fields getting dirty than they are behind a desk. Mossy Oak is our special supporter of our soon to be created, Youth Page/Program. For UNJ, Mossy Oak was already part of the team and now they’re official. Up North Journal has a sponsor that is our Title sponsor, this sponsorship is by a company that stepped up and made a major commitment to help support what we do and how we do it. A lot of thought was put into selecting this company as our Title sponsor and a lot of work and trust has gone into this relationship. This is a relationship created with PSE Archery. PSE is one of the largest archery bow manufactures in the world. Their bows are some of the best. If you’ve read any of our other journals about archery equipment, you’ll know that UNJ always supports trying gear before you buy it. Archery gear, especially a bow, is something that needs to fit the user, not the other way around. Every archer has his or her own preferences about equipment. At Up North Journal, our staff has chosen PSE to be our bow of choice. With all of our different shooting styles and forms, PSE has a bow to fit every member of our staff. Their Pro Line bows and their Main Line bows both offer a level of quality that is hard to beat. PSE has chosen to support Up North Journal in our ideals and our support of getting everyone involved in the outdoors… One Adventure at a Time.
So, when you visit our web site, listen to our podcasts or watch our vidcasts, take a closer look at our sponsors. You’ll never see a sponsor we don’t believe in, ever. You’ll never see a sponsor that doesn’t believe in the principles of the Up North Journal. You’ll never see a sponsor that doesn’t believe in the heritage we promote. It’s not about money or product, it’s about a way of life and the dreams waiting to be found.
Our Mission Statement:
The Up North Journal will be focused on Family, Conservation, Preservation, Education, Safety, Entertainment, Advancement, & Growth of Anything Wholesome In The Outdoors. Showing America And The World That The Outdoors Is Our Best Answer To Keeping Our Youth On The Straight & Narrow.
Ant-Man (2015)
10 years ago